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Shannon Knapp

Role at Milwaukee Blacksmith: Operations Manager

Role in the Knapp Family: Wife, Mother and Woman­-in-­Charge

Shannon oversees everything that goes on in the Knapp family—both in and out of the workplace. As the operations manager for Milwaukee Blacksmith she handles pretty much every aspect of the business outside of the welding. Growing the business on a zero marketing budget for 11 years, she has learned every trick there is to get attention and keep the energy going. As the matriarch of the Knapp family, Shannon manages the details of life in a big family, including the newest additions to the “Knappkins,“ Dharma and Tashi. Getting everyone up and out the door might be the greatest challenge.

However daunting her workload gets, Shannon’s efforts are always a labor of love. She adamantly believes in her husband’s abilities, and wants everyone (in Milwaukee and beyond) to see his work. She loves watching her children work together and learn from their father at Milwaukee Blacksmith.