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Have the team just found human bones in the tunnel?! - Lost Gold of World War II

Apparent human bones and teeth in the dirt

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The search for Lost Gold of World War II is halted as what might be human bones in the tunnel. Lost Gold of World War II uncovers the quest to solve one of the last great mysteries of World War II. In 1945, as Allied forces closed in, Japanese troops commanded by the notorious Japanese General Yamashita allegedly buried a fortune in treasure in the Philippines. It’s believed the treasure included gold, jewels, and priceless artefacts stolen from many nations. Now, a team of Americans follows the lead of an eyewitness who says he saw Yamashita’s forces bury countless boxes in tunnels, sealed with explosives, and riddled with booby-traps. The team must decipher a bizarre code believed to be left by a secret society, as a means to avoid the traps and recover the treasure.