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On this day:

Apple Day

Feeling Fruity

Filler of crumbles, scourge of doctors, destroyer of man (thanks Eve). It’s apples! And today we celebrate the most golden and delicious of all hanging fruits as it is Apple Day. Initiated by charity group Common Ground in 1990, it’s designed to recognise the wonder of apples, unearth a few unusual varieties, encourage you to hang out in an orchard and possibly chug some cider. In a car park if you wish, it’s completely up to you. There are events all around the country, so get out there and get appleing! (Unless you’re reading this at 11pm, in which case you have completely missed Apple Day. Again.)There are a mind-blowing 7500 different types of apple across the globe which, if you laid them out end to end, would go really really far and probably get quite mushy fairly quickly. The most popular UK apple is the Gala, which out-sells the venerable Cox by four to one. And it’s not even British! It’s originally from New Zealand! Well done. You’ve ruined yet another Apple Day.